Recently a very talented, nationally and internationally renown, local artist posted this on Facebook. I find it very reassuring that even the very accomplished among us experience the ups and downs that I am so familiar with. I’m curious about the process. How is it that even while we relish our successes, we can, at the very same time, experience over generous amounts of doubt about our ability.
It seems most likely to happen when we embark on a new venture and have to step out into a territory that holds unknown elements of newness. No wonder we speak of “stepping outside our comfort zone’. Maybe that’s why many people don’t venture far from what they know. The doubts that accompany the newness of the unknown are too overwhelming.
I do believe that if we had messages early in our childhood to “be careful” or “you won’t cope” etc, our inner resources for embarking on new ventures are slim. This is a good reason for parents to give their children realistic and reassuring encouragement that they can give things a try, and its not actually possible to get it right the first time.
So having doubts is normal. And achieving success more than once doesn’t mean we won’t have doubts next time we try something new.It’s good to know that ‘having doubts’ or ‘downers’ is not some personal inadequacy or failing.
If we are setting off on a journey on an unknown road, we have brakes to apply, rather than holding our foot perpetually on the accelerator. So maybe our normal, everyday doubts are the brakes which slow us down when, in our enthusiasm and excitement about the new adventure, we might fail to notice sharp bends.