I’ve been working for some time on a new project - that is finally in its draft form - and complete enough to share. I’m wanting to make some little children’s picture books (about 18 pages, A4 size) - reproduced the ‘old-fashioned’ way by photocopying, and therefore affordable both to produce and to buy. The first story is about ‘wishes’…. and the process of producing it has provided me with a prototype for further books. The colour pictures have been photocopied black and white for editing - mostly rearranging paintings and texts on the page. My idea comes from conversations with others who say, “I’d love to write a children’s story” and here is a way of doing it without it costing a fortune, and with as few or as many as you want.
My on-going project is to sketch when I’m out and about - no surprise that many of my sketches occur when I’m in a cafe - I know I love a coffee when I’m out, but its also useful to be sitting when sketching. Here’s a page from my current sketch book - complete with notes, (date, time, location). any of these might become part of an illustration some time, and in the meantime they keep me observing….
Contact me: janetmace.bradbury@inspire.net.nz to put in your order.