The Secrets in the Soil/ Ngā Kura Huna ā-Nuku. The story is about Maisie who wants to grow a tomato plant, but when it doesn’t thrive, she turns to her neighbour who introduces Maisie to the secret of good gardening.
The Secrets in the Soil / Ngā Kura Huna ā-Nuku is now selling through my website. Books have been sold to readers from Rakiura (Stewart Island) to Kaitaia. Cost is $20.00 plus packing/postage ($8.00). If you’d like to buy a book, click on “How to Buy” or email me I look forward to hearing from you!
“Lucy - the Girl who Listens/ Lucy, te kõtiro i Whakarongo” is the first book to be bi-lingual (English and te reo Maori). This book was published in 2019 and has been sold in bookshops and online, throughout N.Z. Books will be available to buy at the Manawatu Arts Trail, 16th and 17th October 2022 in Palmerston North.
I have created a hopeful story about a river and its gradual decline in health. When wise people remember to listen to its song and make changes in the way they relate to the river, it becomes well again.
There are suggested Learning Activities / He ngohe ako as well as Curriculm Links / Ngā hononga marautanga included in the book for use in the classroom.
Jessica and the Golden Orb was published in 2015 in conjunction with the Heritage Food Crops Research Trust. The concept was to produce a story that would engage young people to learn about and grow these heritage tomatoes. The book was produced with packets of seeds and distributed (free!) throughout New Zealand. This book is copyright free, and can be downloaded from
Jessica, the Seed Saver is the sequel to the first in the Jessica series, produced and published in 2016 by the Heritage Food Crops Research Trust (N.Z.) This book is copyright free and is available to download from
What happens when Amos plants a feijoa tree in the front garden? I have set the scene of a brilliant and magical place with New Zealand’s favourite fruit, the feijoa, in the starring role. The story is a one-off and is not published.
Woops! was a simple story for my 3 year old grand-daughter Heide and here I play with the notion of a child following her curiosity which brings about accidents - and these are easily blamed on “Blue Bear”.. .This is a one-off and unpublished.